How do Psychics Get Their Information

I have always wonders what is an empath and how these people get the insights into the subtle happenings of life. Well it is tough to define empath, but in layman’s term they are hypersensitive people who can find the answers to the difficult questions of life with energy readings.

Not all the empaths are the same. Depending on their skill set and traits they use different divination tools for psychic readings. Making use of these tools is how psychics find answer to the questions. I delved a little deeper to find out how psychics get their information.

No one definite tool

Interestingly the first fact I came across is that not all psychics have the same energy levels and they use different mediums for the readings. Tarot, runes, astrology, angels, spirit guides and crystals are some of the most commonly used divination tools, but they are not always necessary for readings. Some psychics can simple use their energy internet and activate their psychic energies to help others. For instance you can get psychic phone readings done, where a psychic can be able to answer your questions without using any of the tools.

Whatever may be the case, it’s important that psychic choose their divinations tools that resonate with their energies.

Divination Tools

Before you read on the various divination tools, it is important to understand that if you think that you are an empath then it is important that you build your intuitive power first rest all comes second. We all have intuition but some of us are able to tap into it more efficiently as compared to others. We all can harness our intuitive powers using the right tools.

Tarot cards

Most popular divination tool, tarots have existed in many cultures in many different forms. On the basic level these cards have images that depict the subconscious and intuitive faculties. Once a psychic learns to associate his energy and that of a person with tarots, they can easily get the information they want.


Astrology is a well preserved ancient science that has copious amount of information about planets and zodiac that practitioners specialize in. For finding answers of the questions astrologers have to blend this information with their intuition to get results.


They are just like tarot cards but their symbols are derived from the ancient Norse language.


Crystals are the divination tools that help psychics to focus their attention so that they can arouse their clairvoyant powers to see visions that can answer questions.

Spirit Guides/Angels

Not all psychics use a physical medium listed above but utilize the guidance provided by their spirits or angels to get the information they need. Such psychics show signs of beyond human perspective and use their divine wisdom and knowledge to answer questions.

The Energy Internet

At last there are psychics who do not use any divination tool but just their higher self energy and intuition to obtain a receptive state. Just like the internet such psychics obtain energy from all sorts of sources to answer questions. 


Psychic readings can provide an easy answer to your problems. You can self analyze your problems if you are empathic. First you need to understand what is an empath
