Various Models of SAPUI5 Module

SAPUI5 is very new model introduced by the SAP. This is with modern features of business. SAP Fiori and SAPUI5 works together in the current era. Here in this article we are introducing various models that are used during the development of SAPUI5. These models are predefined

JSON Model:- The characteristic of this model to bind the JavaScript object data that is serialized only in a special format known as JSON format. This model works on client side and its functionality is limited to small datasets. These datasets are always resides on client side. The versatile feature of JSON model is to support two way binding.

XML Model:- This is also client side model that is considered good and working on small datasets. These datasets also resides on the client sides. There is no feature in XML model that can work on the server side for server based pages or loading of deltas.

Resource Model:- This is the main important model of SAPUI5 that is designed the resource bundles that can efficiently dish up text in various languages.

OData Model:- Before going in depth of OData Model, here we are first defining the OData that is standard or protocol and SAP Fiori apps use OData to update the data at back end. This protocol is mainly build on the elementary protocol like HTTP

This model is designed to bind the controls to data from OData services. This model mainly work on the server side but some components are visible on the client side. For example the dataset resides on the server side but the current rows and columns have only visibility at client side. From here it is clear that the process of sorting and filtering is not possible on the client side. If any possibility of sorting and filtering appears then the client has to send the request to the server to get such service. In the current module the OData model supports OData version 2.0.

If you are interested to go deep knowledge of the above presented models then you have to go for the two video training offered by the Tekvdo that  are SAPUI5 Training and SAP fiori training. These are the very professional trainings.


