Uncontested Divorce Mediation Services California

Uncontested divorce in California is becoming commonplace, as more men and women relish the notion of mediation, collaborative divorce, and settling matters among themselves. Without going to the courtroom, more divorces are uncontested.

There are a few reasons for this concept:

·    Courtrooms are over-crowded and each judge expects to hear 30 cases daily. View the pros and cons of mediation.

·    Fees for attorneys are higher than ever before. The average cost for a litigated divorce in Los Angeles runs about $50,000 per person.

·    More people embrace the value of being cooperative co-parents once the divorce is complete.

·    Subsequently, it is much easier to be cordial than foes, with or without children.

As a shift in values, more people commit to working out details. We started to appreciate that is more viable to get along than it is to fight, mainly being that fighting uses up too much negative energy. When you are caught up in a fight, it makes it difficult to live life, raise children or even thrive in the workplace. People are finally catching on to this notion.

If you consider child custody and how much it has developed over the years, parents are much more likely to share custody and relish what the spouse contributes to the child’s upbringing. When it comes to uncontested divorce in California, the legal school of thought is that parents will have joint physical and legal custody of children, shared arrangement; that is, of course, one parent proves this wouldn’t be beneficial for children.

To share custody, it is much easier to cooperate as co-parents, and you don’t have to be best of friends. By making a commitment to settle out of the courthouse, you have a much better opportunity to preserve the best parts of the relationship for the children’s sake.

Several elements are entailed in making an uncontested divorce in California. They are paperwork and court filing; negotiation; financial disclosures; dealing with emotional divorce; and coming to an agreement.

Many people receive assistance with paperwork filing, whether they use mediation services, an attorney or paralegal, get the forms online, or use a Nolo Press kit. All uncontested divorce in California require the same paperwork: response, petition and stipulated judgment.

Reaching the best deal possible doesn’t have to be challenging. You can devise an agenda of all aspects of discussion necessary and then begin with the simplest details and work your way to the top. You can schedule a time when you get together and be alone, even if it is at a public place (restaurant, coffee shop) in a quiet booth. It’s advisable not to try and do everything at once. Take it slow and offer each individual an opportunity to explain how he/she feels about each issue. You should quit before you get tired, so that you can rejuvenate for the next meeting. There are even resources to get started.

The law requires one to complete financial disclosures. You should be honest, thorough and accurate. You can get into serious trouble if the court discovers you lied. There’s no horseplay or holding back. Your spouse is privileged to view all your financial records, and vice versa; thus, it is easiest to cooperate and make copies to exchange them. There are worksheets to prepare for divorce.

At least 80% of emotions in divorce have to be part of the process. While the legal aspects are crucial, and you want this to go without a hitch, the emotional divorce is vital to moving forward in a healthy manner. The court expects divorce to be more like a business deal, but marriage wasn’t supposed to be a business deal. The court rarely assists anyone with emotional divorce, so the support system is crucial. Family, spirituality, friends and professionals (therapists) are there for you, so it’s advisable to reach out. You can always return the favor at a later date.

Your divorce will become resolved one way or another—you can reach an agreement on your own, with the assistance of a mediator or employ collaborative divorce attorneys; you can even employ an attorney or allow a judge to make the final decision. One way or another, the divorce will occur. You can participate in the settlement and ensure that it is customized to the needs of you and your family. The use of mediation or collaborative divorce assures that you’ll be in control as you minimize costs and fees. You also don’t have to go to the courthouse.
